
September 14, 2008

Mexican Origins!

Filed under: Mexican Food — Tags: , , — orsonk @ 4:39 pm

After arriving in the States, I thought it would be interesting trying out some Mexican food, as it is probably different and a lot more closer to the authentic Mexican Foods lying around.

What I have here firstly is a Fish Taco – Kyle, my flat mate recommended it, and it is really different from the typical Mexican foods I have tried back at home. It’s usually very cheesy, and has a really filling feel to it back in Brisbane. Almost like a pizza! This one here was tangy, and tasted really good when squeezed with the lemon. And it has salsa that isn’t a tomato one!

Next I have a dipping salsa sauce for corn chips – although it is more smooth, combined with some pepper in it, it tastes really different, and has a spicy feel to it. It was really good in my opinion, and comes free when you eat there, and you can have as much as you like! =) All in all, my taco was $4.25USD so it was so worth it imo. =P

PS – I changed the layout to make it more “food like”, hope you guys like it! =)

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